Have you ever been convicted, or just arrested or charged with a crime? Are you applying for a job, a promotion at work, housing, or a professional license? If so, then call Jeff Dean to discuss expungement of your records.
“Criminal “Expungement” is the process of going to court to ask a Judge to seal a criminal record. When a record is sealed, it does not show up in a criminal background check. Several government offices have the records of your case. This may include the county courthouse where the incident took place, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), the local police department, the local prosecutor, and the Attorney General.
Even if you are found “not guilty” in a criminal case, you still have a criminal record. If you have been charged, with the charges dismissed, or just arrested and not charged, there may still be discoverable records pertaining to your case.
Less serious crimes may be expunged when we show that you have made changes in your life, that you are a different person now, and that it is very unlikely that you will commit another crime. We must convince the Judge
that, on balance, the benefit of the expungement to you is greater than the disadvantage it would be for the public to not have access to your criminal record.
Serious convictions like murder, aggravated assault, and sex offender crimes, as well as “enhanceable offenses,” are never expunged. However, the records of such charges can be expunged if you are not convicted.
Requesting an expungement of a criminal record requires a lot of paperwork and attention to detail. If you decide to go forward and request a criminal expungement, be sure that you talk with Jeff Dean. He has successfully represented clients in expungement cases in multiple counties across Minnesota.
Call Jeff today to see how he can help you. (612) 305-4360.